The pros and cons of gas vs wood fire pits which one is right for you

The Pros and Cons of Gas vs. Wood Fire Pits: Which One Is Right for You?

06/28/2022|by Jason Klein

Are you considering purchasing a fire pit for your backyard? If so, you may be wondering if gas or wood is the better option. Gas and wood have their own unique set of p ros and cons, so deciding which is right for you can be challenging. This blog post will discuss the pros and cons of gas vs. wood fire pits and then show how Firegear LUME is the best of both worlds with its smoke-less design! 

The Pros of Gas Fire Pits

Gas fire pits are extremely popular for backyard entertaining, with many choices of design, size, and material. They are also relatively easy to use – simply turn on the gas and push a button to light the fire! Gas fire pits produce little to no smoke, so you won't have to worry about your clothes smelling like smoke after sitting around the fire. And because they make little to no smoke, gas fire pits are an excellent option for those with asthma or other respiratory conditions.

Another pro of gas fire pits is that they can be used in any weather condition, unlike wood fire pits which you should only use in dry conditions. Gas fire pits also produce less ash than wood fire pits, so you won't have to worry about cleaning up a messy fire pit after your party is over.

The Cons of Gas Fire Pits

One downside of gas fire pits is that they can be more expensive than wood fire pits, both upfront and in the long run. Gas fire pits also require regular maintenance, such as checking the gas lines for leaks and replacing the gas canisters when they run out. Additionally, gas fire pits produce less heat than wood fire pits, so if you're looking for a cozy fire to curl up next to, gas may not be the best option.

The Pros of Wood Fire Pits

A timeless classic, wood fire pits have been used for centuries for both cooking and warmth. Wood fire pits are typically less expensive than gas fire pits, both upfront and in the long run. Wood is also a renewable resource, so you can feel good about using it in your fire pit. Additionally, wood fires produce more heat than gas fires, making them ideal for chilly nights.

The mesquite smell and characteristic crackle of burning wood create a cozy and inviting atmosphere that gas fire pits simply cannot replicate. Sitting around a wood fire pit is the ideal way to enjoy a summer night for many people!

The Cons of Wood Fire Pits

One downside of wood fire pits is that they require more work than gas fire pits. You’ll need to gather and chop the wood and then tend to the fire throughout the night. Wood fires also produce more smoke than gas fires, so you may find your clothes smelling like smoke after sitting around the fire. Additionally, wood fires should only be used in dry conditions, as using a wood fire pit in the rain can be dangerous.

You Can Have Both!

What if you could have the best of both worlds? With Firegear LUME , you can! LUME is a smoke-less, wood-burning fire pit that produces no sparks, embers, or ash. LUME is also easy to use – simply light the wood with a gas lighter and enjoy!

The innovative smoke-less design causes most of the smoke, embers, and debris to be funneled back into the fire and consumed, reducing the amount of smoke released into the air by up to 90%! This makes LUME the perfect choice for those with asthma or other respiratory conditions.

LUME is also an excellent choice for the cozy atmosphere of a wood fire without all the work. And because LUME produces significantly fewer sparks and embers, it is generally considered safer to use than a traditional wood fire pit.

So, whether you’re looking for the easy-to-use gas fire pit or the cozy atmosphere of a wood fire pit, Firegear LUME has you covered! Click here to learn more about LUME and see how it can enhance your backyard entertaining this summer.

Final Thoughts

So, which one is right for you, gas vs. wood fire pits? The answer may depend on your budget, how much work you're willing to put into maintaining your fire pit, and what kind of atmosphere you're looking for. However, with Firegear LUME, you can have the best of both worlds! LUME is a smoke-less, wood-burning fire pit that is easy to use and produces far fewer sparks, embers, or ash than traditional fire pits. It’s the perfect choice for those who want the atmosphere of a wood fire without all the work! Check out LUME today and see how it can enhance your backyard entertaining this summer.