The best ways to warm your outdoor space

The Best Ways to Warm Your Outdoor Space

12/07/2022|by Jason Klein

With the arrival of spring and summer, you may be tempted to spend as much time as possible outdoors. After all, who can resist the warm sun, the smells of freshly blooming flowers, and the sound of birds chirping in the trees? But what if you want to enjoy your outdoor space even when temperatures drop? Here are the best ways to warm your outdoor space and create a cozy outdoor atmosphere that you can enjoy year-round. 

How to Enjoy Your Outdoor Space All Year Round

Now that the temperatures are dropping, you're probably looking for ways to keep your outdoor space warm and cozy. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to make your outdoor space a haven during the winter months. Let's look at some of the best methods to keep warm while enjoying your outdoor area's beauty. 

Gas & Electric Heaters

Investing in outdoor heaters is one of the best ways to keep your outdoor area warm during cooler months. There are many different types of outdoor heaters available, from gas to electric models. Gas heaters tend to be more powerful and last longer than electric models, while electric heaters are easier to install and require less maintenance. 

Firegear is your resource for amazing, efficient gas and electric heaters featuring ceiling mount, wall mount, and control options. Whichever you choose, make sure you select one that fits the size of your outdoor area.

Fire Pits & Fire Furnishings

Fire pits provide an ambient glow that will make your outdoor space feel inviting and cozy. They are also great for entertaining guests, providing a central gathering spot. Whether you're looking for a round, square, bowl-shaped, or fire table design, outdoor fire furnishings come in all sizes and colors.

Firegear is the premier manufacturer of high-end fire products for your backyard, from wood-burning smokeless designs to gas fire furnishings . Make sure you purchase one that is designed to be used outdoors and follow the safety instructions provided with it.

Outdoor Gas Fireplaces

Outdoor gas fireplaces add a warm, cozy touch to your outdoor space. These modern fireplaces are beautiful, safe, and easy to install. They come in various shapes, sizes, and designs and are typically fueled by propane or natural gas.

The Kalea Bay Outdoor Linear Gas Fireplace is the premier gas fireplace design from Firegear. This gas fireplace offers a sleek, contemporary look and is perfect for keeping your outdoor area warm on cool evenings.


Adding lights around your outdoor area is another excellent way to make it more inviting and enjoyable, even when it's cold outside. String lights around trees or railings, hang lanterns from branches or install floodlights for a brighter effect. You can add candles for a romantic ambiance or use colored lights for a festive look. 

Cozy Furniture

Last but not least, remember comfortable furniture! Invest in pieces made with weather-resistant materials like wicker and aluminum, so they won't be damaged by rain or snow. Add plush throw pillows and blankets so you can wrap up in them when it gets chilly outside. And consider getting an outdoor rug if you don't already have one so you can add a touch of warmth and color to your patio or deck. 

Here's to Many More Warm Nights Outdoors

It's time to get the most out of your outdoor space, no matter what season. From comfortable furniture to fire pits and gas heaters, there are plenty of ways to keep your outdoor area cozy during cooler months. With these tips, you'll be able to enjoy your outdoor space all year round.

No matter which of these methods you choose, remember that it's essential to be mindful of safety when using any heating appliance outdoors. Make sure you follow all manufacturer instructions and adhere to local fire codes.

There are plenty of ways to ensure your backyard stays warm even when temperatures drop. So, make yourself an outdoor oasis and enjoy it all year round!